Module Code Module Maximum Marks
M1-R5 Information Technology Tools and Network Basics 100
M2-R5 Web Designing & Publishing 100
M3-R5 Programming and Problem Solving through Python 100
M4-R5 Internet of Things and its Applications 100
PR1-R5 Practical based on M1-R5, M2-R5, M3-R5 and M4-R5 100
PJ1-R5 Project (Certificate only to qualify ‘O’ Level-IT) -
Total Maximum Marks 500
The marks will be translated into grades, while communicating results to the candidates.
The gradation structure is as below:-
Pass Percentage Grade Failed
(<50) F >= 50% to
< 55% D >= 55% to
< 65% C >= 65% to
< 75% B >= 75% to
< 85% A >=85% S